I worked in the field of "Professional" matting, cutting/framing , etc., for
2 years+ and learned much. Cutting mat boards is not that easy and takes
some skill and training to get good results. Oval cutters are easier to get
consistent results. Good equipment makes life easier (doesn't it always)?
Conservation grade material is much more expensive and you do not want to
make too may mistakes with that stuff. The costs will add up.
That said, the markup for all work is staggering. When it comes to framing
pictures, stick with standard size frames and mat the piece to fit the frame.
Having matching top and side equal balance is not necessary. The eye
balances things.
I would find a nice neutral color board for a majority of your work and buy
in bulk and get a decent cutter and go at it. If not, the only work I would
ever pay for is the actual mat cut. Don't pay for the frame that has to meet
a certain off-size.
Have fun and enjoy!
> Twenty years ago in Cherry Hill, NJ., there was a frame shop that would
> sell the mats and let you cut them using their equipment. You might see
> if there is a place near you like that. You would get some instruction
> from someone who new what to do, and you could find out how adept you
> are. There is some skill involved with stopping the knife at the right
> place.
> Thanks, Steve Goss, Dallas Tx usa