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[OM] Surrepetitious Photography (Was DIY Tripod strap)

Subject: [OM] Surrepetitious Photography (Was DIY Tripod strap)
From: Doggre@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 18:36:17 EST
The staff in this pizza place (Pagliacci for you locals) is friendly enough 
that I don't think I'd have to be "sneaky" with a wide angle to get their 
photo.  I'd bet that if business were slow enough, they'd all be happy to get 
close together and say "cheese" for me. :-)

The young fella who bussed my table today had a spiked collar around his 
neck, raggedy pants.  Spiked belt.  Tatoos. I didn't notice the hair.... I 
couldn't get past the collar.  Not your everyday busboy, but he has a JOB, I 
don't.  :-(

Pagliacci has two other restaurants: one on the Ave. in the U. District (just 
above 45th N.E., if memory serves), which is usually full of student types; 
walls covered with movie posters; the other on Stoneway N. about even with 
the Safeway store (halfway between L. Union & Greenlake).  It doesn't have 
the seating capacity or character of the other two -- it's more of a 
neighborhood delivery place.  The Capitol Hill place has by far the most 
"interesting" setting, help, clientele, and sidewalk show.  Although if 
you've been to the U. District lately...

But yeah, the wide angle is an idea for capturing the shy (and possibly 
mentally unstable) out on the street.  If "life is like a box o' chocolates", 
Broadway is a 5 pound box.

Rich (used to hang at the Northlake Tavern from time to time, Jim T. -- it 
was a happening place, and I suppose it still is a major hangout for UDub 
students; but for great pizza, Pagliacci now just knocks everybody else off 
the map -- give 'em a try!)
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