Here's the abnstract omitted in last post
In the late twentieth century, developments in electronic color photography
employed color separation techniques recycled from corresponding developments
in silver halide photography of the late nineteenth century. Multi-shot
cameras, beam-splitter cameras, and screen-plate or filter-mosaic cameras all
had their day with film about a century ago, and with electronic sensors more
recently. The multi-layer color sensing technique that dominated the twentieth
century, originally commercialized as Kodachrome, is now recapitulated in the
multi-layer silicon sensor introduced for the twenty-first century as the
Foveon X3 technology. These techniques for color photography take their cues
from human color vision, but ultimately must "listen to the silicon." A key
property of the X3 technology that plays well with human vision is the
excellent clean luminance signal corresponding to the sum of the sensor channel
signals. Nonlinear image processing takes advantage of this good lumi!
nance signal while using the corresponding "soft" color separation to render
visually pleasing color photographs.
Richard F. Lyon is presently Chief Scientist of Foveon, Inc., makers of the
revolutionary new "X3" full-measured-color image sensor for digital cameras.
Before co-founding Foveon in 1997, Dick worked for 20 years in the corporate
research labs of Xerox, Schlumberger, and Apple, and spent much of that time
also as a visiting associate on the Computer Science faculty at Caltech. His
emphasis on digital and analog sensory signal processing dates back to a summer
job at Bell Labs where he invented an early bit-serial multiplier for signal
processor chips. Dick's interest in photography dates back to grade-school
years, and has come around again to merge with his digital signal processing
interests, to his delight.
Tim Hughes