The GN at 400 ISO is exactly double that at 100 ISO. The formula for
determining GNs is
GN new = GN old x square root (ISO new / ISO old)
Thus, GN new = 14.7 X square root ( 400 / 100)
= 14.7 x 2
= 29.4
----- Original Message -----
From: gries
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, 03 March, 2003 05:12 PM
Subject: [OM] F280 GN on FP mode
from the e-sif i see that the GN for the super FP mode below 1/60 sec. is
14.7. would the GN for ISO 400 film be 29.4?
There will be a dance troupe here today to preform one of Oscar Schlemmer's
(sp?) pole dances. i'd like to expiriment with some of the movement techniques
with this flash, that is if they let me photograph...