I local camera store has a bunch of lenses from many manufacturers they are
trying to move at $19.99 each. I went through the batch hoping for a 90mm
Zuiko. Although I didn't find that one, there were 2 or 3 50mm MIJ Zuikos.
I didn't need one as I have one, however if any list member wants me to snag
one for them I can do that the first part of the week. What I would tell you
is that it will be a MIJ, have both front and rear caps (may not be OEM) no
scratches, fungus, coating problems and if any dust, it will be minimal, the
blades will be oil free and snappy. I'm not going to send something I would
not use and the majority of my stuff is extremely nice. Here is the deal. I
go pick it up, pay for the lens and taxes, wrap it and mail it to you in the
USA for $30. Overseas probably another $5 to $10. Anybody who understands
commerce, knows this is a no profit deal for me. If interested, contact me
off list. Bill Barber