----- Original Message -----
From: W Shumaker
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: [OM] lost camera
OK, some time ago I mentioned that a friend of mine found a camera bag
behind the seat of a rental truck. The camera is a Minolta and a
Pentax. I've set up a web page of some of all the photos I found in the
camera. Check out: <http://www.zuik.net/lost/lost_camera.html>
If any one has a clue where this is, let me know. I have no interest in
keeping this camera.
My browser (Explorer 5.5) had no trouble showing the pictures but I know
nothing of the location or the children and truck in the photos.
They would have been much clearer if taken with a Zuiko and an OM ;-)
Sorry Wayne.