In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:53:57 AM Central Standard Time,
olympus@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> So I guess I'll just suck it up, and live with a
> sharp portrait lens.
Well, I like your choice of lenses with the Tamron 90 f2.5, however I can
offer you a little advice it you don't mind taking it from one of the list
members who has seen a few more New Years parties than you. For about 400f
the cost of your lens, you go out and get yourself a nice Zeiss Softar 1 or 2
which will soften things up a bit and the girl friends may like the results
better. A piece of pantyhose stretched over the front of your lens will
produce a similar result, as long as, it is a piece of their panty hose.
Have known a few who would stretch the panty hose over the lens and then use
a cigarette to burn a hole in the middle so just the outside was in soft
focus. An alternative to this method would just be to wait. With time their
complexions will clear up, your eyes will start to fail and if they have been
with that long, they will love the results just because you still want to
take pictures of them after all these years. Bill Barber