I will pretty much agree with the former Mamiya 7 statement, it really does
take up only as much space as my typical Olympus outfit. It is not a big
camera and the lenses are not big either. When I take an Olympus outift I
take a couple extra lenses so in the end each outfit weighs 5-6 pounds(
Mamiya body-2 lenses versus Olympus OM body 3-5 lenses).
They compliment each other very well!
> "A Mamiya 7 and a couple of lenses is actually lighter and in a smaller kit
> than my Oly stuff."
> I assume this is a joke. When I worked for Bendix, I carried an OM-1 around
> my neck and eight lenses + Vitovar 292 in a tiny case. The only way "a
> Mamiya 7 and a couple of lenses" could take up less space would be if you
> Olympus outfit included virtually every lens and accessory Olympus ever
> made. Furthermore, my kit included lenses for which there is no Mamiya 7
> equivalent