Perhaps some would be interested in the flange to film distances
Although the distance is important, if the lens mount is narrower than the
camera mount, it may be possible to sink the lens in a little.
I've adapted some info from
Here is a list by distance, then one by camera/mount
Camera/Mount Mount Type Register(mm) - Distance From Film Plane To Lens
RMS 0.800" x 36tpi thread
Schneider M26x0.5
D-mount 0.625" x 32tpi 12.29
C-S mount[also known as "1-32 UN 2A"] 1" x 32tpi thread 12.50
Bolex H8RX 1" x 32tpi thread 15.31
C-mount 1" x 32tpi thread 17.526 (0.69")
Canon EX1/2 VL bayonet 20.00
Bolex breech 23.22
Konica RF Hexar screw 27.95
Leica M bayonet 27.95 (27.80?)
Narcissus M24x1 thread 28.80
Canon screw M39x1 thread 28.80
Leica RF screw M39x26tpi NOT 39x1 28.80
Olympus Pen F bayonet 28.95
Contax G1 bayonet 29.00
Contax RF 34.85
Alpa bayonet 37.80
Aaton bayonet(?) 40.00
Konica F bayonet 40.50
Konica AR bayonet 40.70
Miranda dual BM/SM bayonet/M42x1 thread 41.50
Miranda Laborec bayonet/M42x1 thread 41.50
Miranda Laborec - dual BM/SM M46x1 thread 41.50
Canon R/FL/FD breech or bayonet 42.00
Wrayflex M41.2 x 26tpi 42.05
Rectaflex 43.40
Minolta MD bayonet 43.50
Petriflex breech lock 43.50
Canon EOS bayonet 44.00
Paxette M39x1 thread 44.00
Argus bayonet 44.45
Minolta AF bayonet 44.50
Rolleiflex SL35 bayonet 44.60
Voigtlander Bessamatic 44.70
Exakta/Topcon bayonet 44.70
K-mount bayonet 45.46
Zenith 3M M39x1 thread 45.46
M42 screw M42x1 thread 45.46
Pentax/Practica M42x1 thread 45.46
Contax/Yashica bayonet 45.50
Ricoh breach mount 45.50
Icarex 35/35S/SL-706 45.50(?)
Practiflex M40x1 thread 45.50(?)
Contarex 46.00
Olympus OM bayonet 46.00
Nikon bayonet 46.50
Leica R bayonet 47.00
Eclair bayonet 48.00
Icarex breech lock 48.00
Praktina breech lock 50.00
Arriflex bayonet 52.00
Edixa-Rex bayonet 53.00
Topcon IC1 bayonet 55.00
T2 mount M42x0.75 55.00
Mamiya 645 bayonet 63.30
Leitz Visoflex II, III Leica M bayonet 68.80=40+Leica screw
Pentax 645 bayonet 70.87
Exacta 66 breech lock 74.10
Kiev 60/Kiev Six breech lock 74.10
Pentacon 6 breech lock 74.10
Zenit 80 multi start thread 74.10
Hasselblad 500/2000 bayonet 74.90
Kilarscope 78.80
Kowa Six/Super 66 breech lock 79.00
Hasselblad/Kiev88 multi start thread 82.10
Kiev 88 multi start thread 82.10
Pentax 6x7 bayonet 84.95 (74.10?)
Leitz Visoflex I M39x26tpi NOT 39x1 91.30=62.50+LeicaRF
Kilarflex 92.30
Zeiss Ikon Panflex 99.35=64.50+ContaxRF
Novoflex 100.00
Bronica S2A bayonet & 57x1 thread 101.70
Rolleiflex SL66 bayonet 102.80
Mamiya RZ bayonet 105.00
Mamiya RB bayonet 112.00
Zeiss Ikon Flektoskop/F'meter 119.35=84.50+ContaxRF
Camera/Mount Mount Type Register(Mm) - Distance From Film Plane To Mount
Aaton bayonet(?) 40.00
Alpa bayonet 37.80
Argus bayonet 44.45
Arriflex bayonet 52.00
Bolex breech 23.22
Bolex H8RX 1" x 32tpi thread 15.31
Bronica S2A bayonet & 57x1 thread 101.70
Canon EOS bayonet 44.00
Canon EX1/2 VL bayonet 20.00
Canon R/FL/FD breech or bayonet 42.00
Canon screw M39x1 thread 28.80
C-mount 1" x 32tpi thread 17.526 (0.69")
Contarex 46.00
Contax G1 bayonet 29.00
Contax RF 34.85
Contax/Yashica bayonet 45.50
C-S mount[also known as "1-32 UN 2A"] 1" x 32tpi thread 12.50
D-mount 0.625" x 32tpi 12.29
Eclair bayonet 48.00
Edixa-Rex bayonet 53.00
Exacta 66 breech lock 74.10
Exakta/Topcon bayonet 44.70
Hasselblad 500/2000 bayonet 74.90
Hasselblad/Kiev88 multi start thread 82.10
Icarex breech lock 48.00
Icarex 35/35S/SL-706 45.50(?)
Kiev 60/Kiev Six breech lock 74.10
Kiev 88 multi start thread 82.10
Kilarflex 92.30
Kilarscope 78.80
K-mount bayonet 45.46
Konica AR bayonet 40.70
Konica F bayonet 40.50
Konica RF Hexar screw 27.95
Kowa Six/Super 66 breech lock 79.00
Leica M Bayonet 27.95 (27.80?)
Leica R Bayonet 47.00
Leica RF screw M39x26tpi NOT 39x1 28.80
Leitz Visoflex I M39x26tpi NOT 39x1 91.30=62.50+LeicaRF
Leitz Visoflex II, III Leica M bayonet 68.80=40+LeicaRF
M42 screw M42x1 thread 45.46
Mamiya 645 bayonet 63.30
Mamiya RB bayonet 112.00
Mamiya RZ bayonet 105.00
Minolta AF bayonet 44.50
Minolta MD bayonet 43.50
Miranda dual BM/SM bayonet/M42x1 thread 41.50
Miranda Laborec bayonet/M42x1 thread 41.50
Miranda Laborec - dual BM/SM M46x1 thread 41.50
Narcissus M24x1 thread 28.80
Nikon bayonet 46.50
Novoflex 100.00
Olympus OM bayonet 46.00
Olympus Pen F bayonet 28.95
Paxette M39x1 thread 44.00
Pentacon 6 breech lock 74.10
Pentax 645 bayonet 70.87
Pentax 6x7 bayonet 84.95 (74.10?)
Pentax/Practica M42x1 thread 45.46
Petriflex breech lock 43.50
Practica bayonet
Practiflex M40x1 thread 45.50(?)
Praktina breech lock 50.00
Rectaflex 43.40
Ricoh breach mount 45.50
RMS 0.800" x 36tpi thread
Rolleiflex SL35 bayonet 44.60
Rolleiflex SL66 bayonet 102.80
Schneider M26x0.5
T2 mount M42x0.75 55.00
Topcon IC1 bayonet 55.00
Voigtlander Bessamatic 44.70
Wrayflex M41.2 x 26tpi 42.05
Zeiss Ikon Flektoskop/F'meter 119.35=84.50+ContaxRF
Zeiss Ikon Panflex 99.35=64.50+ContaxRF
Zenit 80 multi start thread 74.10
Zenith 3M M39x1 thread 45.46
tOM Trottier, ICQ:57647974
758 Albert St, Ottawa ON Canada K1R 7V8
+1 613 860-6633 fax:231-6115 N45.412 W75.714
"The moment one gives close attention to anything,
even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious,
awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself --
Henry Miller, 1891-1980
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