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Re: [OM] ( OM ) Photographic manipulation & Ansel Adams

Subject: Re: [OM] ( OM ) Photographic manipulation & Ansel Adams
From: "Steve" <Steve.Gullick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 16:55:29 +0100
  Don't be so bloody silly.

  Why is it when some people find themselves on the wrong end of a losing 
argument they have to resort to the 'how dare you be so insulting' mode.

  Nothing that I have written was or is intended to insult or offend. If you 
find that my comments are filling a few gaps in your ignorance then fine, 

  Grow up.

  What is the crack "If you were a student of photography" supposed to 
accomplish besides being insulting? I fully understand all about "darkroom 
technique", I've been taking and printing B&W for 30 years or more, I've been 
all through 'dodging', 'burning', etc. For you to imply I don't know anything 
about photography is insulting. I was merely expressing my 2c, which was 
labeled as such, with regard to the FACT that a lot of people don't realize 
what many hours went into AA's work to get the final print, AND _my opinion_ 
that his work was more "artistry" than straight photography. These are _MY_ 
opionions, and were labeled as such. 
  Some of you will never get it, that you can't lecture people for having their 
own  opinion, even if it differs from yours. 

  George S. 

  Steve.Gullick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes: 

  Darkroom technique is as much part of photography as anything else, some 
  would argue that it is probably one of the most important areas of real 
  photography. If you were a student of photography, you would almost 
  certainly find that at least the first year and probably a good deal longer 
  would be solely on B&W and darkroom practice. 


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