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FW: [OM] Olympus VisionAge Magazines - URGENT ANNOUCEMENT - NO STOCK

Subject: FW: [OM] Olympus VisionAge Magazines - URGENT ANNOUCEMENT - NO STOCK REMAINING
From: "Wright, Steve \(Darlington\)" <Steve.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 14:40:24 +0100
Fellow Zuiks

To all those that have requested 'The Source' contact details - I've had a
call from 'The Source' and he has run out of VisionAge Mags! PLEASE DO NOT
CONTACT HIM FORTHWITH, as he has NO stock left and he cannot handle
INTERNATIONAL requests anyway.

Please treat the matter as closed. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, but
the stock was finite!

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Steve Wright

North East England

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