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Re: OT Re: [OM] Irradiated mounted slides

Subject: Re: OT Re: [OM] Irradiated mounted slides
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:24:19 EDT
I think war causes more starvation that starvation causes war.

And- BTW- How come every A-Hole on the internet always says "let's drop this 
NOW" right after THEY post a comment ? Why don't you ever decide to drop a 
discussion  after the OTHER guy makes a point? .....speaks volumes about 
one's maturity level......Now go stomp your feet and hold your breath 

George S.

In a message dated 6/11/2002 7:42:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jmalmstrom@xxxxxxx writes:

Den/At 02-06-11 12.31 skrev/wrote "ClassicVW@xxxxxxx" <[ClassicVW@xxxxxxx]>:

> Jeez, we're at war, and we already lost 3,000 innocents

Yes, that's what you do in war. And isn't it about 5000 who dies every day
because of starvation, which is a cause of war.

Better start a war against war soon... - and yes, every country has it
rights to defend it's territory.

/ Johan - let's drop this NOW

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