I've added a lens to the items I'm looking to sell as part of my massive spring
cleaning... I've lowered some prices...
- Olympus 50mm f1.4 MC SN 1075XXX, LN- condition, make me an offer
- Olympus BG 2, $50 -- SOLD
- Tokina 17mm f3.5, LN-, $145 shipped with caps
- OM1 MD body incl MD cover - asking $75 shipped, have an offer of $60. Missing
rewind crank & need new foam.
- Tosner by Toshiba MC 2x in box, instructions, case, caps, $22 shipped
- Two 2x teleconverters, one cap, both cases, both LN-, $23 shipped
- Olympus 3 way TTL flash connector, lowered to $30 shipped
- Olympus 85mm late model MC f2.0 LN- condition, lots of interest but no takers
at $300+, my final offer to list members is $280 incl. caps & insured shipping.
Thanks for your consideration. These are going to E**** tomorrow. I have pix
of everything; let me know if you'd like to see 'em.
Feel free to make offers, especially on package deals. Prefer US
only ship, prices are not valid in the rest of the world, but
feel free to email me to discuss. I will not falsify customs
documents, so don't ask.
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