Olaf wrote
My favourite slide films? Provia 100F (duh!) and
E100VS (for dull days).
For those that arent in the realm of slide film, take Olaf's advice! Consumer
and average quality slide films simply cant compete against Provia and Kodaks
VS in quality of results, let alone that of prints!
Altough I am CURRENTLY not in a financial position for ordering pro films in
bulk, I will consider it in the future. Costs associated with slides in Perth,
Australia is very expensive representing a large gap between the use of prints.
Any OZ listers order bulk? I would like to know your situation.
Contrary to slide, the only print film I consistently use (mainly indoor) is
Fuji's Press 800. Such a great film and far better emulsion than the standard
Fuji 800 (although this is still a very good film amongst the print 800's).
Just look at the results puched atISO 1600.
Moral of the story: better results come at a cost, but its worth it in the end
- just as purchasing your OM gear instead of many of todays automated PVC
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