On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:00:47AM -0700, Winsor Crosby wrote:
>Film reflectance is a issue for testing guy`s but not for practical work.
>The difference it nomimnal and real film-sensivity already outweight
> this problem.
>Frieder Faig
That is not really true. If you consult the archives as I just did
you will find discussion of this issue. Before Gary Reese did his OM
lens tests he also measured the reflectance of various films and
found at least a 1 stop difference, if I remember correctly, between
the highest and lowest.
My statement is based on meassurements published in a photo
magazine in 1979 when testing the OM2n.
The min-max differences were:
slide films: +0.4 ..-0.2 stops
print films: +0.2 .. -0.2 stops
b&w: +0.2 .. -0.3 stops
high contrast copy film: +0.8 stops
With one exeception all film-types don`t differ more than 0.6 stops,
wich is +/- 1° ISO difference.
The differences between slide-film-reflectance in Gary`s test were
within the 0.5 stops area. The print-film differ more, But they also
have more lattitude.
When I`m concerned about exposure differences in the 0.3 stops
area, I`m using spot metering anyway, and not average metering.
And you need self tested film type dependant iso-setting for this
accurancy at all. I don`t worry about film-reflectance.
Frieder Faig