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Re: [OM] Help choosing a lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Help choosing a lens
From: Damon Wood <deewhy_au@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 13:58:28 +1000 (EST)

for landscapes, a fixed focal length (eg, 135mm) or a zoom is entirely of your 
choice. If your not too worried about sharpness (in consideration of what film 
you would use - print or slide), go for the zoom. It may allow you to 
compensate for moving back/forward from your subject. 

Secondly, if you CANT afford Zuiko, I would go Tokina and at VERY last the 
Tamron. Now for Zuiko's, if your on a tight budget, the underated single coated 
Zuiko 75 - 150mm f4 ZOOM may do the trick. There is absolutely nothing wrong 
with this lens at all and dont let anyone tell you there is. There quite 
reasonably prices as well. A a fast apeture isnt entirely necessary for 
landscape shots. If you can afford a multi-coated Zuiko ZOOM, that may be 
slightly beneficial if you want to reduce flare. Secondly, an extra 50mm of 
focal length may be handy.

Otherwise, anything ZUIKO would be fine IF your financials are suited to them. 
I couldnt bear an OM body with anything other than ZUIKO, but it is all about 
compromise and trade - offs. 

Hope that helps,



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