I think this is exactly what some of us have been saying- the OM-4Ti will
balance both the ambient and flash light to achieve the proper exposure. So,
if you change the aperture, which forces the camera to change the shutter
speed (in Auto) you, in effect, by changing that aperture and shutter speed
are changing the range of the Super FP flash, and, changing its impact on the
overall 'correct' exposure. At least I *think* that makes sense from a
practical standpoint...
George S.
Tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Has anyone tried this? From the slit article and other posts, I suspect
this is wrong and that the only way to control the fill ratio is the
distance of the flash to the subject. Shinking the aperture affects both
flash and ambient light.
> "...Although illumination provided by the F280 flash is constant in
> FP mode, the amount of fill can be controlled relative to ambient
> light by selecting higher or lower shutter speeds. This is
> accomplished by changing the lens aperture in automatic mode. If you
> set a lower shutter speed, the amount of fill-in flash will be
> greater. Moving above 1/250 sec. will darken the shadows(as well as
> freezing the action and minimizing depth of field). Although
> background exposure will remain correct, there is no automatic way to
> determine what would be the proper fill-to-ambient-light ratio for
> each subject. Often this is a matter of taste or personal preference.
> Although there are no hard and fast rules for obtaining optimal
> balance, with a little experimenting you should quickly get a feel
> for it."