I'd go as far as to say there's zero chance of seeing any body unit being
made. Some say the investors pulled the plug on the financing. The company
also announced a working prototype was being tested, and it only had a 1.3 MP
resolution anyway. Time has passed this baby by
There also was a guy on the rangefinder list just last week who stated he
worked at a camera store and an employee from SiliconFilm came in and dumped
an assortment of wonderbrick SLRs on them to sell for him. These were
standard, not yet adapted or changed from stock, camera bodies. Sounds like
someone may be dumping their assets and taking a powder... yet the web site
still promises all sorts of goodies to come...I heard they were still looking
for investors too... Smells like- "Enron" to me.
George S.
> It was a nice concept about two or three years ago, but the small size of
> the sensor and the limited body compatibility will never make it a
> commercial success.
> There is ZERO chance of them making an OM body unit, IMO.
> Skip