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[OM] New list member

Subject: [OM] New list member
From: "larry hobbs" <larryhobbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:26:31 -0500
I've just signed on to the list so I'll take this time to introduce myself.  
I'm Linda Hobbs in Athens, GA.  I stumbled upon the list by way of John Lind's 
website (Wow!) and I've been reading the daily archives for about a week now.  
I know I'm out of my league here in both gear and experience, but that's OK 
with me.  I'm here to learn.  Hope y'all won't mind my hanging out and asking a 
few questions.

I have an OM-10 from 1979.  My husband received it as a sales incentive bonus 
and brought it home to me.  Neither of us had a clue about 35mm cameras.  I 
enrolled in the local technical school's basic photography class so I could 
learn how to load film into it.  Our daughter was only a few months old at the 
time, so you can imagine the pictures I took!  Through the years I took lots of 
pictures, added a few goodies--T20 flash, tripod, Makinon 135mm lense, 2 
Vivitar zooms, Winder 2, a few filters.  Most of my photo stuff is snapshot, 
not so hot, but I did get lucky on a few.  Gradually migrated away from picture 
taking and have shot only a few rolls in the past ten years or so.  Then we 
bought a computer and scanner last fall.   Out came the old photos and a 
renewed interest in what can be done with photos.  I turned solid gold this 
year and for my birthday I got a Camedia 3020 zoom.  The new digital is really 
nice, but the little OM-10 still tugs at my heartstrings.

Started searching the web for OM info and learned that Olympus won't continue 
making the OM line.  With that in mind, I plan to go ahead and add to my 35mm 
stuff.  I want to add another body--OM4?, OM4T?  I need clarification on those. 
 Will everything I have for the OM-10 work on an OM4 body?  How about the T20 
flash?  Speaking of which, I've never been too happy with that.  No way to 
adjust it and I don't know what accessories are compatible with the T20 and 
OM-10.  As for the OM-10, I am very sentimental about it and want to keep it 
working properly.  Tell me what exactly is a CLA?  How do I know when it's time 
for it?  Does the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" apply here?

To sum it up for now, they say that love is better the second time around and 
I'm hoping that applies to a love of photography.  I've been pulling out old 
photography books and reviewing some of the technical stuff I tried to learn 
years ago.  I think I'd like to try my hand at some close-up and still life 
work.  Maybe even set up a very simple, basic studio in a spare room.  Anyway, 
we'll see where it goes.  Thanks for listening.  I look forward to your shared 
comments, advice, information, etc. on this list.

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