I'm in the market for a 21mm f3.5 lens shade. Please contact me off list if
you have one you will part with. ( zuiko@xxxxxxx ) Or if you know of a
current maker of a shade that will work. Thanks!
OT comment #1:
Did you notice in March 2002 issue of Popular Photography the new Ni*on
FM3a? All manual, metal body camera with a 50mm lens that is only 11/16th
inch thick (dare I say pancake?) Alright, maybe I'm just feeling
disillusioned, but somebody out there thinks there is still a market out
there for real cameras.
OT comment #2:
Darn it! The same issue listed another camera I use as now extinct...Ni*on
announced the end of the line for their submariner Ni*onos. (Next thing you
know they will stop making Crown Graphics and then I'll have not one current
production camera system...)