Just an "educated" guess- I don't think any "crime" is committed until
someone gets screwed. Like if they buy the item and he won't take it back
after they complain to him. IOW- I don't believe a prosecutor would be
interested in prosecuting "attempted" fraud. One would have to prove criminal
intent. When cornered, he'll just say "Why thank you for pointing out my
error! Boy am I ever embarrassed!"
Also- most jurisdictions wouldn't touch the matter. You'd have to wait for
any deal to be completed, then the police, the prosecutor or attorney general
would just refer the victim to the Postal Inspectors who'd have jurisdiction
anyway. There's lots of other reasons why one agency in one state can't go
after a guy in another state. These guys know it.
I also think allowing him to do a private auction is absurd. This should
serve as a warning to all of us who buy on eBay. There's little or no
recourse if we should ever be screwed on a deal.
George S.
cpl49@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> What about reporting him to the attorney general of his state and the state
> that
> E Bay is registered in?