If you know anyone involved in theatre tech then scrounge a bit of "frost".
Cut to size it will slide into the accessory runners of your T32. Frost is a
diffusion medium used like gel filters in front of theatrical lamps. Comes in
various sorts - I happen to have a bit of Rosco 101 in my T32. If you can get
hold of a theatrical filter Swatch Book (samples given away free by gel
manufacturers for the use of lighting designers) then you can cut any colour or
texture you like, since swatch books are just a nice bit larger than needed for
a T32 flash. Fine for colouring and diffusing flash but no good in front of a
lens as it isn't manufactured to optical quality.
Gel manufacturers include Lee Filters, Rosco, GAM - all have web sites and will
send you swatch books on request.
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 14:51:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Clendon Gibson <bsandyman@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [OM] what happened to e-sif?
Did the online sif site move? is it dead?
Related to this I was trying to find out about difuser
attachements for t-20s or t-32s. Are there such