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Re: [OM] The slow death of OM

Subject: Re: [OM] The slow death of OM
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 06:32:03 EST
I'd have to go back and look for the exact issues, but in Vision Age there's 
at least several articles where Olympus praises themselves for never 
forgetting about the previous customer and how their newer camera models and 
accessories are compatible with the older models, and how Olympus doesn't 
leave their customers stranded like some other companies do when a new model 
is introduced! 

I know that doesn't apply across camera lines, but it just seems ironic. And 
the fact that I remember this, puts me in old grouch category....

George S.

bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> I remember (Must be another Grouch in the making if I start a statement with 
> "I remember ...") when Olympus issued a statement either separately or in 
> Vision Age, to the effect that they were going to dominate the 35mm field 
> and sweep all before them. Must have been 1980 +/- a year or two.

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