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Re: [OM] weird teleconverter

Subject: Re: [OM] weird teleconverter
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:45:24 EST
richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> I am actually looking for a good teleconverter, but look at this: 
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1329860132. It's 
> from our "friend" kevspy. It has this weird looking level type of thing 
> that I can't imagine where it would go in an OM system! Now one of the pics 
> shows a lenscap or something that says EXAKTA. Does that explain something 
> :-) ?

The mount definitely doesn't appear to be an Olympus OM. The inner edge of 
the mount has no flanges sticking out, and the tab for aperture stop-down is 
way too close to the other tab (its name escapes me right now). Look at your 
OM lenses, on  OM lenses those tabs are something like 170 degrees opposite 
each other. If that's the cap that was on it, I guess it is an Exacta mount.  
What about an Oly FTL mount? I never had one to check. 

George S.
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