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RE: [OM] Olympus e-SIF is offline - it's a family affair?

Subject: RE: [OM] Olympus e-SIF is offline - it's a family affair?
From: "Wright, Steve \(Darlington\)" <Steve.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:39:40 -0000
From: "Jon Mitchell" <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote

>OK, here's a crazy idea from someone who knows approximately ****-all about
>the delicacies of the internet, programming, etc....

A good thought Jon - collectively we could all find the space...

I think response times would be affected depending where your e-SIF 'child
pages' were hosted and whether the site has regular downtime/problems etc.

However, more importantly, I feel the main objection to this scenario would
be that Hans would lose his source control/ integrity of the data/pages, and
that applying updates, if they were dispensed to all and sundry 'family
members', would be a nightmare to control. 

Why don't we all buy the e-SIF from Hans on CD? He'll get some income that
way that may support hosting a server somewhere? I'm  putting my order in
this weekend.

Just my 2 pence worth... back to my day job!


N.E. England

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