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Re: [OM] New Olys

Subject: Re: [OM] New Olys
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:13:05 EST
I just spoke with Bob Shell via email. (he IS the editor of Shutterbug.). He 
says no rumor, it's true, and referred me to Bert Keppler's article. Gonna 
try and find it now...

George S.

> At 02:21 PM 12/19/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: John Pendley
> >
> > >>>Hello all,
> >
> > >>>I just got this on another site from a fellow who writes regularly for
> > >>>Shutterbug.
> >
> > >>>Lots of new stuff coming out early next year, including a return to pro
> > >>>cameras by Olympus, with an interchangable lens SLR digital system. 
> This
> > >>>was written up in Burt Keppler's column this week in Photo Industry
> > >>>Reporter.
> >
> >
> >Is this an early Christmas present, or a real early April
> >fools????????????????????
> I have no idea.  But I'd say early Christmas.  This guy is usually very 
> well informed.  He also says that a major Japanese company that is not 
> currently selling rangefinder cameras has a new line of rangefinders that 
> were ready to hit the market when the market went sour.  Now, we may not 
> see them at all.  There's many a slip between an announcement and the 
> cameras actually becoming available.
> JP

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