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Re: [OM] This really annoys me!

Subject: Re: [OM] This really annoys me!
From: "Bernd Moeller" <dsl33687a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 18:12:17 +0100
This really annoys me!Hi Sam,

I use my mju-II (Stylus Epic in the US) for that purpose. Keep it in your 
jacket's pocket and if a situation as the ones you discribed happens, take it 
out, point and shoot. 

The good thing: You can allow yourself to get drunk, too, without needing to 
worry about focus and exposure settings.

The bad thing: you have to get pretty close (well, that is not always bad...)

I just have gotten back the prints from a similar occasion. Pretty cool.

Conclusion: use a mju as your favourite party camera. It also copes with a 
splash of beverage from a person that is annoyed by your shooting. White wine 
in my case.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sam Shiell 
  To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 5:52 PM
  Subject: [OM] This really annoys me!

  Lots of drunken dinners / lunches /get-togethers at this time of year, and I 
always take my camera along 'cause there's a good chance of getting good candid 
let-your-hair-down shots that are good to look at (blackmail? never) when 
things sober up.

  BUT, I have to keep my eye on my camera like a hawk. As soon as I put it down 
or leave the table for a second someone picks it up and (a) starts firing it 
off, or (b) starts twiddling the settings.... always without asking permission 
or seeming to care that it's not a public property.

  And this isn't restricted to any one person/group of people, everyone does 
it. It makes me absolutely livid. 

  Anyone else experience this or is it that I just look to much of a soft 

  p.s. I especially changed the font and colour of this email to stop giving 
you guys a headache. ;-) 


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