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Re: Digital Migration (From [OM] Gold 100? [OT Rant])

Subject: Re: Digital Migration (From [OM] Gold 100? [OT Rant])
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:27:49 EST
Thanks for the info, Henry. 
There's also a companion article that mentions ALL Associated Press photogs 
and all NY Times (and other papers) photogs are using digital cameras (Nikon 
Mentions that you can't do any photo work from Afghanistan without using 
digital, and how on Sept 11th, 2/3 of all photographers in NYC were using 
digital and how they didn't have to open their cameras to change film in all 
that dust and mess. 

George S.

hcbottj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> Interesting that the topic of a digital migration comes up.  The NY Times
> today ran an article about the adoption of digital, but from the perspective
> of the companies who thought people would then print the pictures at home
> (which is not working out like many of the companies had hoped).

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