Clendon Gibson wrote:
I have noticed that most of my zooms lack a hyperfocal
scale on the barrel (or anywhere else that I know of).
I figured I would ask the wise and beneficent members
of the list for work arounds.
In other words, if you wanted to do a landscape with
infinty at the far end and 8 (or whatever the lens can
do) for the near end at f16, how would you manage
without the scale?
For any given focal length a particular aperture will give a specific
range in front of and behind the subject which will be in focus. Alter
the focal length but hold the aperture constant and the front to back
distance of that range will also change. Alter the focal length and
alter the aperture and the depth of that range will change again.
It seems to me obvious why a zoom lens does not have a hyperfocal scale
on the barrel; there are two variables at play, namely focal length and
aperture both of which impact upon the depth of field.