How about an OM4ti with mirror lock-up and a better price?
-----Original Message-----
From: Matteson, David [mailto:dmatteson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:06 AM
To: 'olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [OM] Olympus TV Commercial
Sensitivity: Private
I have seen the commercial. Olympus was one of the sponsors for Star Wars:
Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. The commercial was played many times during
the three hours it was on.
I think that if Olympus is loosing money on the digital arm of the company
the solution would be to try to get their name out there so more people will
buy the product, especially now with Christmas and Hanukkah rapidly
approaching. Maybe someday we will see a commercial for the OM4ti!
Hey all!!!
Here in Canada last night I saw an Olympus TV commercial for the
Camedia line. A woman was on a see-saw taking pictures with a dig-cam. I
have never seen an Olympus commercial of any type. I was floored; my wife
said get a life!!!
Strange they have a commercial given that their dig-line is loosing money.
Anyone else seen this commercial?