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[OM] Bad sale list member

Subject: [OM] Bad sale list member
From: "Jerry Smith" <proudtexan63@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 21:48:10 -0600
   I believe everyone should know who this person is, I sent an email asking to 
know for myself. Everyone I have dealt with on-list has been a very pleasant 
experience. It is a shame for someone on the list to act in such a way. To be 
done over by someone on evilbay is one thing, but to have a list member act in 
such a way is the worst. I appreciate everyone on the list, I truly enjoy this 
list and I have learned a lot since subscribing. It would be a real shame to 
see this list degrade with such a person involved. If it were just in error, 
that can be excused. But this sounds like someone trying to get over on a 
fellow list member. I am truly disgusted in this person and I hope everyone 
sees their way to letting this person know that this kind of behavior will not 
be excused, or excepted.  

   Stepping off soapbox...

   Good luck to everyone on their TOPE events, I look forward to seeing them 
all, as well as the Christmas exchange. Everyone keep up the good work. Have a 
happy and safe holiday season.  


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