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Re: [OM] Zuiko 85-250 experiences requested

Subject: Re: [OM] Zuiko 85-250 experiences requested
From: GPaul64@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 20:37:17 EST
In a message dated 10/28/01 7:53:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mstoesz@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> Good day;
> I recently purchased a Zuiko 85-250 f/5.  Zuikoholizm strikes again.  I
> would appreciate hearing about others experiences with this lens.
> I can see I will have some problems with lower light levels and the f/5
> aperture but I also recently acquired a Tokina 50-200, and have a Zuiko
> 200f/4 for backup if necessary.
> At any rate, are there any quirks I should consider in its' use?  Any
> handling problems?  Typically how is the sharpness at f/8-11?
> Anyone with photos to show taken with this lens?
> Thanks, Mike

Hi Mike,

Here's one I took with my 85-250:


I like mine a lot.  It bumped the 50-250 out of my bag because the 85-250 has 
a tripod mount, which I prefer to use when I'm out for landscapes.   I also 
like two-touch  zooms better. 

I find it is a very good, sharp lens.   The photo above I have enlarged to 
11x14 and I think it looks great.   

One small note.  If I recall, at least on mine, it does not hold perfect 
focus as I zoom throughout the range.   Not a big deal at all, but you may 
want to check the focus each time you change focal length.  


Greg L.

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