> I must be incorrectly shaped (eybrows and nose too big?) ;-)
Seriously, I really would like an eyecup to stop stray light coming
into the viewfinder (don't need correction), but the #1 really hurts
my eybrows and I see a lot less screen, and the generic "oval" type
only works horizontal for me. Not that anyone can help me with this,
I just wanted to share this huge problem of my life ... (NB joke)
Henrik Dahl
I use an eye cup 1 without the rubber hood. It gives a bit more
protection from stray light and allows you to get your eye closer to the
camera and see the entire view finder. Works with my glasses on. Also
the eye cup is less likely to pull off accidentally. I found this out
because the eye cup without hood came in a bag of stuff i bought so i
thought 'what the heck' and gave it a try. Now I've pulled the hood off
of my other eye cup, too. Another option might be to buy a cheap generic
eye cup and customize it with scissors.
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