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Re: [OM] new user

Subject: Re: [OM] new user
From: Robinsnes@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 01:17:42 EDT
In a message dated 8/25/01 8:09:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
waynecul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> With no one being a professional, I had some
> difficulty with the perception that no one was really in charge. The
> other big problem as I saw it was too short a time period between the
> ceremony and reception - only about one hour for church photos, and
> outdoor ones including travel times. For an amateur, this was way too
> short. I didn't have the time to pose many of the shots I wanted as all
> the time was spent on family groupings.
>     I got about 300 of the wedding day pictures back today, and am
> breathing a lot easier. If the others are okay, I'll be happy. I don't
> think there are any award winning photos, but personally I am quite
> pleased with them overall. My biggest self critique is too many photos
> were cut off at the knees. Anyways, at least the couple are not left
> without wedding day pictures. I was quite satisfied with the outcome of
> the portra 400 vc shot with available light. I shot a roll of Royal Gold
> 400, and the difference is quite noticeable, especially in skin tones.
> The outside pics with 160 NC were quite satisfactory. 

Interesting! I had not anticipated that problem. Actually, 1 hr is too little 
time even for a quick pro. I shot a wedding today that started late. I 
finished all of the formals in 15 minutes...only shot about 40 in that time. 
No nonsense, I shut down all other cameras and literally outtalk everyone 
there. I keep up a constant patter of stories, jokes, and nonsense so no one 
has time to think, let alone try to slow down the process. The pastor said I 
was welcome back anytime as there was no wasted time and he could get on with 
his day. 
You shot over 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that's a lot of shooting. Hope 
the speed tips worked for you. You couldn't resist using all types of film, 
could you? Next time use portra 400VC for everything. You gain virtually 
nothing with the 160 and you lose approximately 1 1/2 stops (my figures, not 
Kodak's ... remember 160 is really 100, 400 is really 250). Those are 
valuable for depth of field and using a less powerful flash. Remember...when 
you are shooting people, use flash for everything to fill eye sockets and act 
as a general fill light. 
I am proud of you...if you chopped knees, it's no big problem. You still 
should have gotten better images than the other snapshooters there. Available 
light? Not when you have to bring home the bacon. Use flash whenever you can. 
Balance it to the ambient light, but use it. Keep the flash 1/2 stop below 
the ambient light and it will give you impressive images.
Now get out there and do it again. Critique your work...learn from it. What 
you have done and learned applies to all venues of photography...so another 
member informed me. Practice hones skills...not doing it again doesn't allow 
to to really learn the lessons this has taught you. There I go, preaching 
again! Sorry! Get out there with that camera and SHOOT SO THAT YOU LEARN ONE 
FILM THOROUGHLY. Using many films and film types will inhibit your 
development as a competent photographer. PLEASE forget the fancy stuff and 
master the basics. Fortunately, Portra VC is good for everything. Use only 
one speed...learn about the film and its characteristics. A camera is just a 
hole to expose film...that is your real medium. Learn one film...then you can 
try others. I know we all love the gadgets and films, etc. Learn one, then 
you can better play with the others. 
THIS IS NOT A CRITICISM...JUST CONCERNED ADVICE. I may be eccentric, but this 
is worthwhile advice that you would be foolish not to follow. It will make 
you a fantastic photographer in the eyes of the people who matter to you.
Best wishes and looking forward to seeing regardless of what you think of the 
images. I will think they are GREAT!
Best wishes,

Roger Skully
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