Good morning all,
I've been listening to this group for over two years, onnly in digest mode
This being only one of a number of groups that I am a member of.
I listen to this group for photographic, especially Olympus content, and have
learnt many valuable tips. Alas listen only, all of you know more about the
subject than I do, therefore you will find no
posts from me as I cannot add to already excellent tips.
However, this group seems to have devolved into a schoolyard spat.
As for Stalwarts of the Group (Tom S and John H), I think that we should
support their efforts.
As for pillocks such as this Oben character, and another called 'Dave'. perhaps
they should grow up and join the real world, or perhaps they should have their
toys taken away.
I moderate a car group devoted to classic cars, and concours competitions, A
subject which also can, alas, create petty squabbles. I automatically pull the
plug for 90 days on such subscribers. There is
also a subscription process for joining, and all applicants have to be
There are currently 2 people on a 90 day ban, one of which has tried to
re-subscribe under a new name, however the provision of a non-existent phone
number trapped him. A suspended individual becomes
permanently barred should he solicit another member.
I seem to remember this sort of squabble on this group has forced the more
knowledgable members to resign (Doris Fang I believe wen't thru such a phase).
Is it not time for a firm course of action to take place, perhaps even drastic.
For example,
moderator close the list
Open new list
Invite subscribtion from known good members of the old list
New subscribers to be vetted, ie provision of name address telephone number,
and a password be sent out via snail mail.
Once in a while a joiner be checked out.
Oh this costs, and in the case of my other group, we have a fund raising once a
year or so, plus also sell 'T' Shirts etc.
I wouldn't mind but the content on this group is way off topic.
I am and remain a genuine Olympus enthusiast, but currently a very saddened
member of this group, who will be unsubscribing forthwith.
Yours faithfully
Ken Dee
Description: Card for David Low