I bid low and I bid early and then sent request for more definitive
information about the scratch on the 24 mm and additional information about
the zoom (fungus) figuring the 50 mm was a throw away and the body would have
to be sent in for a major CLA and possible repair. My questions were very
specific and I got a response which didn't directly answer the questions.
Sent another inquiry with simple direct questions and got no response. i.e.
Please describe the shape and size of the scratch on the 24 mm lens and is
there any fungus inside the zoom lens? It looked like the 24 mm had either
been dropped, landing on the front element or had been shot with a pellet gun
(see big white splotch at 4 o'clock). Figured if they had trouble with
simple communications prior to the purchase it would only get worst after the
fact. I sincerely hope someone got a Doris deal on this one, but either way,
I glad I didn't pursue it. There's always tomorrow on ebay. Bill Barber