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[OM] Hot Rod OM-1n

Subject: [OM] Hot Rod OM-1n
From: "Michael Virsinger" <mikev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 00:31:00 -0400
A recent pleasant surprise awaited me when I came home today. The familiar
FedEx truck was outside my door as I drove up. I rushed in the house,
precious booty cradled in my arms. With trembling hands I carefully opened
the box and - wait a minute, I forgot for a moment who I was talking to.
Every good Zuikaholic knows this feeling all to well. I'll skip to the good

A recent purchase on our much hated but oh-so loved e*Bay turned out to be a
pleasant surprise. A "hardly used" black OM-1n turned out to be just that.
Carefully removing the dust revealed a mint camera with no brassing or blems
at all. The battery cover looks like it had been removed only once to
install the first battery and then forgotten. Only a sticky return of the
rewind crank and some deteriorated foam gave away the camera's vintage.

Happily I continued to explore the lot and found the 50mm lens. To my
delight it turned out to be a 50/3.5 macro!. This baby was indeed in mint
condition without a spec of dust on it. Closer inspection of the mount
showed no signs of use.

Now that I sent every red-blooded Zuikohaulic's heart pounding and off to
caress their favorite camera, I have a problem:

Given the sticky return on the rewind lever and old foam, I decided that
this was a good candidate for a much needed CLA. Well I'm going all out and
sending baby Zuik out to Camtech. I decided to have John re-calibrate and
install a 2-13 screen along with the cleaning, lube and adjustment. A
battery conversion seems to be in order here as well, but why stop there? I
decided the Ultimate OM-1n would not be complete with out a genuine leather
from Morgan Sparks. Off to his website I go, but I can't decide which one to
use. So I turn to the experts. I have narrowed it down to these choices:

1. Black Lizard Skin
2. Grey Lizard Skin (course or fine)
3. Natural Cobra (wild!)
4. Red Snake Skin (wilder!!)

Opinions requested for this Hot Rod OM-1n project. Which skin would look
best on the "ultimate" Black OM-1n?


Mike V. <><

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