One of the products we sell is vinyl siding. My employer has found out that
I can take pretty good photos ( many many of my grandaughter). Could I take
some of a real pretty house they did. Time was of the essence.
I had Superia 400 in the OM-4t. So, I thought what the heck, go for it.
Went out to the house and shot using spot metering and the 28/2.8. I had
some machine prints made at a 1hr shop that came out real nice. Could they
be blown up to maybe 11x14? Took the negs to a local pro shop. Wow! 11x14
is gorgeous. More than acceptable sharpness when viewed at arms length and
from 4 or more feet they look wonderful. So, a tribute to the 28/2.8 and
Fuji Color Neg film, even 400 ASA.
Next time I'm gonna shoot with Portra 160NC and use a tripod. That lens is
Dave Dougherty