Very well said, Dirk.
Really, what has Olympus done for us OM users in say- the past 10 years?!
Gave us the OM2000 and a plastic zoom lens?!
I recently had a long talk with a reputable salesman at a large reputable
camera store. He claims a customer asked about buying a new Zuiko 24mm lens,
(I don't know if it was the 2.0 or the 2.8) - the store didn't have one, so
this salesman calls Olympus. They said no problem, they'd put the customer on
their list to make the lens, and they'd let the store know when it was ready.
They couldn't give him an estimate of when that would be and couldn't be
definite on the final price.
I have no reason to doubt this guy, we were just talking and I wasn't there
to buy Olympus gear, so he'd have no reason to steer me away from it...maybe
John H. since he orders from Olympus would know if this could be a true
story. If true, how can you expect to make a sale doing business like that?
It indeed sounds like they'd prefer if we just quietly went away...
George S.
wright@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> The problem with collectin OM's as I see it is that Olympus does not
> encourage it like Leitz does with thier Leica cameras. No special
> editions, no minutae differences between versions of the same camera,
> etc. I get the feeling that Olympus would rather just see us
> disappear. I don't think OM's are any more collectable than Canon
> FD's or Pentax Spotmatics. Perhaps if Olympus had issued special
> National Geographic limited editions of thier cameras, or the
> occasional really wild lens, like a 35/1.4 or something. Until I was
> apprised of the fact, I had always assumed that NG photogs used Nikon
> gear. I never saw Olympus leverage their professional exposure, but I
> wasn't in to OM's back in the 70's and 80's, so I could be wrong on
> that.
> --
> Be seeing you.
> Dirk Wright