Fellow Zuiks,
Question - Is there a shutter speed at or above which the vibration of the
mirror(s) flipping up and the shutter traveling from open to close will be
Using an OM-4t which has a top speed of 1/2000 and a high speed film, one
should be able to get up over 1/500th. Does that do it? Put another way, is
there a lower shutter speed at which the vibration(s) become problematic and
thus pre-fire of shutter and mirror should be used?
If one is shooting a moving target such as an animal in the wild or at a zoo,
setting the self-timer in motion to achieve pre-fire after framing the shot
necessitates that the animal not move for about 20 seconds or so. That's a
long time.
So, what is the consensus?
Dave Dougherty