My 2c- Since it was print film, I don't think it could be the meter being
off. Kirkland is a "cheapie" brand, isn't it? I'd suspect the age or improper
storage (before you bought it) of the film as a possibility.
Buy a fresh roll of Fuji from a reputable camera store, buy it in person , no
mail order. Duplicate your shots with the new film.
Also, with another new roll, use a different lens on the OM2N. Could the
Tamron maybe have sluggish or stuck blades ( or even haze?) which throws off
the exposure? Shouldn't matter with your camera in "Auto" like you said it
was, but maybe the shutter speed was slow and what you're seeing is camera
shake- (blur).
Hard to diagnose from here, but these are my thoughts...
George S.
> Stepped outside and took a roll of 200 print film over a weeks time
> period. Also took a few inside with flash.
> Problem... Most, but not all of the outside pics are pale in color
> and contrast, look hazey of as to be in a fog. One in particular of a
> bunch of roses with a dark background and no harsh sun light is so
> hazey and pale its headed for the trash can.
> Was using on OM2N, Tamron 90/2.5, Kirkland ASA 200 print film.
> Camera was set to 200 ASA.
> Those pics taken with flash seemed fine.
> Most all were taken on Auto.
> This is the second roll that has done this.