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Subject: [OM] Re: ESIF CD
From: DAVDOU9211@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 14:33:35 EDT
Here is the info for Hans CD.

Dave Dougherty

thank you for your interest in The Unofficial Olympus OM Sales Information 
(eSIF) On CD!

The price of the CD, including shipping costs, is USD.20 = HFL.50 = EUR.23.

The easiest and cheapest way to send me this money is sending it in cash. Just
put the bills into an envelope (preferably a bussiness envelope), wrapped
between two sheets of paper. Don't send coins! The risks for sending such a
relatively low amount by mail are not high.

Also remember to include the address where the eSIF On CD will be shipped to.

Dutch money (HFL.50) would be great - it safes me the time to change it and 
the costs. But if this is too much of a trouble or if Dutch money is not
available USDs will also do. If you want to send your local currency other 
USD tell me which currency this will be and I help you with the currency
conversion calculation.

On-line payments or credit card payments are unfortunately not available.

If you don't like the idea of sending money by mail, I'll give you details 
my bank account. However, international money transfers are unfortunately not
for free. For transferring small amounts like the price of the eSIF On CD 
costs are relatively expensive; that's why the mail method is preferred. Of
course you will be paying for the additional costs of international transfers.

My address is:

H.C. van Veluwen
Hermelijnvlinder 113
1113 LD  Diemen
The Netherlands

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