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Re:[OM] heresy eSIF on CD OM2n

Subject: Re:[OM] heresy eSIF on CD OM2n
From: "Andy Gilbert" <gilbs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 21:28:20 +0100
- ----- Original Message -----

>From: "Marcus b6" <marcusb6@xxxxxxxxxxx> - writ in part:
>Realizing that I stand a good chance of being impaled on a stake, my well
>poisoned, my fields salted, and my name wispered as a warning to
>children...do people actually like the shutter speed ring placement on

I like it where it is, but IMHO it was best on the OM1.  Why?  The pentaprism 
doesn't obscure the speeds, as on my OM4 & OM40. Also I can tell what speed it 
is set on by feel.  (Perfected this on my first system, 23 years ago)  Use the 
mirror lock-up lever as a guide, note the position of the right hand "knob" of 
the speed dial with the index finger of your right hand. At 1/125 sec. it lines 
up, other speeds, well just try it & see.
  With practice you can easily feel down to 1/15 sec. I also use the right hand 
edge of the pentaprism, for 1/500 & 1/1000 sec.  Anyone else discovered this?  
A slight critisism, I do wish the other bodies' speed dials were as smooth as 
the OM40  That's OM4/OM1/OM2 - did I mention I've just bought a pristine OM2n 
for a knockdown price?  Couldn't resist, That's my 4th OM body now, though.  Am 
I sick, or merely a "collector"?  

While I'm on, has everyone bought Hans' eSIF on CD?  Just got mine, installed 
on hard drive, it's so much faster than online, obviously.  It contains 670MB 
of information, well worth the money.  Perhaps we can help him fill in the 
gaps, I've offered to send him some missing items & he's agreed.  I think we 
should support him in completing/updating what is a wonderful tribute to the OM 
system.  He's desperate to get a copy of the OM5 manual, Incidently!!

Anyway, back to my OM2n!  I just need to tell someone how gorgeous it is!  I 
had an OM2 back in '78, but it became unreliable, often locking up for no 
apparent reason (It was brand new)  so I've not been so keen to buy one again. 
This body seems fine, 3 rolls of film through it with winder on & it's 
performed well.  I think I'm going to like it a lot!  I've used it mainly with 
the 35-105 zoom I bought a few months ago, which is becoming a firm favourite 
for certain things. (Throw one body/lens in a bag in case something comes up)  
Anyone else particularly like the OM2n?

That's it.

Andy Gilbert
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