Jim wrote:
<<<I now find it difficult to see the green flash indicator square - and I
don't notice it flashing at all. Also, the shutter speed indicator seems to
have missing dashes. It make look something like this:>>>
There is something about this in the FAQ. Go here:
It says:
"Every other bar on the bargraph on my OM-{2S, 4(T)} doesn't work. Can I fix
this myself?
Yes. It happens when the microcontroller gets into a confused state,
possibly due to a heavy load on a weak battery. (The battery then
recovers when the load is taken away). Reboot your camera as follows: Switch
meter to Manual. Switch shutter to B. Toggle meter between Manual and Auto
a few times, then back to Manual. Then switch shutter back to an automatic
speed. Also check the batteries and clean their contacts. If you replace
them, note that SR44 (#357) is best, SR44P (MS76) is second best, and LR44
(MS76A) (alkaline) should be used only if the others aren't available. SR44
is often marketed as a calculator battery; it's a low-internal-resistance
version of the SR44P.
Thanks to Michael A. Covington"
FWIW, sound like you have a set of bad batteries.