Well, I forked over the cash and bought a shutter speed tester. I'm thinking
about putting an Olympus sticker on it, just so it will feel welcome with the
rest of the gang. Working it is pretty straight forward, but I have a couple
1) Even though the shutter speed ring say 1/30, 1/60, etc., it really means
1/32sec and 1/64sec, etc., right?
2) Also can someone tell me the acceptable range for shutter speeds, either
expressed in 1/1000sec or stops from 1sec to 1/2000sec, i.e is a 1/3 of stop
or 1/6 of stop within Olympus specifications?
3) I've also heard people say that some bodies (OM-2 maybe?) are always slow
at the high speeds but still within the acceptable range. Which bodies are
thanks in advance,