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[OM] Focussing with telescopes - the M101 picture

Subject: [OM] Focussing with telescopes - the M101 picture
From: Erwin Voogt <evoogt@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:10:49 +0200
Cc: "'Rainer.Wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <Rainer.Wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Rainer wrote:

>> http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/photovoogt/index.html
>> (with still only a few astronomy pictures on his site... too little time
to scan too much)

> But , Erwin , what a a beautiful pic of M101! Quality, not quantity does
> What type of equipment and film did you use for this amazing result?
> And to Mike Swain: The Foucault method is the best for perfect astro pics,
> but seems a bit tedious for birding to me. I would use a bright screen,
> even try the 1-12, in combination with a Varimagni at 2.5x, or with a
> viewfinder loupe.
> Rainer 

The picture of M101 (not the OM101 ;-) is taken on Ektachrome Elite 400
(1993 version) with an OM1 through a 52 cm Newton telescope with f=1958 mm
(so an 1958 mm F3.8!) located at the observatory of Puimichel, the South of
France. The exposure time was about 45 minutes.
Nowadays it would be far more easy to take such a picture with CCD cameras
and computer controlled guiding systems. That's one of the reasons why I
hesitate a little with publishing more of these kind of pictures: go to
www.nasa.gov and you will find the *same* picture in a 1000x better
quality... Personnaly I find the stereo pictures of Uranus&Neptune and Pluto
more fun (see also http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/photovoogt/index.html).
Even with modern equipment you will need some thinking to take such

Best regards,

Erwin Voogt
Utrecht, The Netherlands

PS I hope the e-mail now comes without the HTML... Outlook...#%@$@#&^@

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