eBay screename ebay@xxxxxxxxxx has some of the Trekker series bags with BIN
prices below B&H and they look to be current models.
someone was asking about them a couple days ago, so I thought I would post to
the list. FWIW, the Nature Trekker AW is HUGE. Each compartment can hold
two normal/wide-angle lenses (velcro the rear caps together), so you can
easily pack 10 or so lenses in this beast if you want (even though the specs
say 6-7)....plus lots of room for flashes, film, bellows, and the kitchen
sink. Once you load it to the max, you will quickly realize that there is no
way it's going to get very far from the car!
I think I have managed to put the following in mine just to see how much it
would hold:
300/4.5 with 2X converter on 4T with winder
24/2.8, 50/1.4, 50/2 macro, 38/2.8 macro, 20/2.0 macro, 70-210 Vivitar Series
1, 80/4.0 macro, 135/4.5 macro, telescopic auto tube, stacked extension tubes
with 1.4X teleconverter, 135/2.8, OM-4 with winder, another body, T-32 flash,
T-power control, T-10 ring flash, T-28 Twin flash, 35-70/3.6 zoom, auto
bellows and some room leftover for filters, film, batteries, cable release,
It was fun to cram it all in, but I wouldn't dare try to carry very far :)