Well, I found the problem to my Control Pack 1 that just keeps firing when I
turn it to either sequence or single mode without the release button pressed.
It is a short caused by the release switch (blue) built into the Control
Pack. Mine came loose and when I installed the battery, it forced the side
of the switch with leads down (or up, depending on perspective) and shorted
it with a brown lead coming from the plate which has the contacts between the
MD1 and Control Pack. This caused the motor drive to fire continuously once
it was in on in either sequence or single mode. I suspect this happened when
I removed the screws holding the circuit board in place to get at the battery
status check light. The previous owner had pressed it so hard (wondering why
it wouldn't light up?) that it became disconnected from the battery case.
All I had to do was glue it back in place, but in the process of moving the
circuit board out of the way to get to the light assembly, I pulled the glue
loose on the release switch built into the Control Pack.
Therefore, there are three lessons to be learned from this:
1) Don't press on the battery status light too hard or it will pop loose from
the battery case.
2) If you want to re-glue the battery status light assembly, be careful not
to pull the release switch from the case in the process (it's only attached
with glue, too)
3) If you only want to change the batteries in your control pack, DON'T
remove the screws holding the circuit board in place.
Lastly, does anybody have a battery status indicator light (LED?) from a
parts Control Pack or OM-1(n) or OM-2(n) (I think they are the all the same)?
Mine has burnt out...don't ask me how I know, I just do :)
I hope this helps some of you out there. In fact, it might be a good thing
to add to the battery changing section of the Repair FAQ. Who should I
contact about that?