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Re: [OM] great lens test site... (Nikon)

Subject: Re: [OM] great lens test site... (Nikon)
From: "Chris O'Neill" <coneill@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 13:09:39 -0700
On 17 Mar 2001, at 15:43, Andrew Dacey wrote:

> So far, I've had very little feedback one way or the other. Chris
> O'Neill has given me some good suggestions and seems really excited
> about some of the possibilities that such a site could offer. Other than
> that, I haven't really heard much.

If I'm the only one who thinks it's a good idea, then don't bother.

> The big thing that seems to have Chris excited is the possibility of
> creating a unified Olympus source.

Exactly! The thing that I notice is that the information IS out there, but I have to jump to a number of places to get to it. By the time I've gotten to the third or fourth place, I've forgotten what the first place said. (No senility jokes, please!) :-)

> But, it could be done in an intelligent way in order to make it more
> useful. A good example would be the ability to pull up the reviews of a
> specific lens. At the top of the page there could be a link to the specific
> page on the esif that deals with that lens.

As well as links to Gary's test results, the Unofficial Olympus OM Zuiko Lens Page, Skip's auction price page, and others.

> Chris has suggested that opening this in another browser window might be
> a good idea. I'm of 2 minds here. Generally, I don't like opening up
> multiple windows but at the same time, it would make it easier to flip
> between information.

I wouldn't want more than two windows open... the main one with all the links, and then the other one that contains the "details" from the site when I click on a link on the main page. In other words, name the "target" window the same in all the links and you only get two.

That, IMHO, would make it MUCH easier looking through stuff. When I'm on the fourth "jump" and wanna go back to something I just read previously, I just click that link on the main page and I'm there again!

But, like I said, if I'm the only one who thinks this is a good idea, then please DON'T waste your talent and energy on it. I'll just continue to muddle through with how things currently are.

Hope that's helpful.



I'm *not* a Zuikoholic....  I'm a Zuikohobbiest!
Chris O'Neill (coneill@xxxxxxxxxxx)


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