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Re: [OM] (Partly OT) British Prices [was more BIN musings]

Subject: Re: [OM] (Partly OT) British Prices [was more BIN musings]
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 08:55:42 EST

imagopus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> Now our friends in the USA will not pay the sort of prices that we 
> do, partly because sales taxes are lower, partly because they can get 
> stuff made (I assume) in other parts of NAFTA. 

True, our gov't taxes are lower, complain to your own gov't about that...

Yes, we (U.S.) manufacture ( or at least 'assemble') most cars we buy even 
"foreign" names, Toyota, BMW, Honda, etc.

> the lower prices in the USA are supported, at least in 
> part I suspect, by higher prices elsewhere in the world.  I am sure 
> that the UK's prices play a large part in that.  

  If you mean to say the rest of the world (U.K. included) pays higher prices 
to   offset the "lower" U.S. prices, your'e nuts! When many models of cars 
can sell between 100K and 200K just in the U.S., I'd think they make PLENTY 
of their own profits from U.S. sales alone, and it doesn't need to be offset 
by the rest of the world.

  > the USA is a huge market and economies of scale (and    
> scope some might argue) will allow lower prices there.
 Yes, exactly! now you've got it!

George S.

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